Date: 14.09.20

Topic: Sport. Achieving the Victory.

Home assignment:  

1. Read the text from ex.4, p.19 , answer the questions orally and mark True/False statements in writing. ( підручник М.А. Нерсисян, А.О. Пироженко)

2. Read the interview with the sportsman aloud, put the verbs in brackets in the correct grammar form. Ex. 9, p 21. Write the forms of the verbs in exercise books.

3. Write your ideas about importance of sport in your life. What is your attitude to a risky sport? ( Do it in exercise books , take a photo of it and send it to the post

Date: 16.09.20

Online Lesson (Discord)

Topic: Meals 

Home assignment: 

1. Learn the vocabulary from ex 1, p 24. 

2. Interview your family members, friends about their preferences in food. Use questions on p. 22 in section "You are what you eat".

3. Write the recipe of your favourite dish. 

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