Домашні завдання на період карантину

Частина І

1. Form 10. Foreign philology class.


1. Prepare a presentation about holidays and traditions in Ukraine.
2. Home reading.


1. Learn the vocabulary on p 143, (ЛМорська), do ex. 1-6,  p.143-146 (in writing)
2. Do ex 1, p.164 (in writing)


1. Do ex. 4-5, p.166, Ex. 6, p. 167 (in writing)
2. Prepare a presentation about education in Ukraine.


1. Do ex. 2, p.154, ex.3-5, p.155-156 (in writing)
2. Draw a mind map about education in the USA.

 2. Form 11.  Foreign philology class.


Do ex.2-8, p.43-45, ex.1, p 48. Describe your family eating preferences (in writing)


1.Do ex. 1-9, p 124-125 (Get 200)
2. Do ex. 10, p 126 (in writing), Practice tasks on p 126 (in writing)


1. Do ex.2, p.49, ex.4, p.51, ex.5,6 p.53-54
2. Prepare a presentation about cuisine of any country in the world.


1.Do ex.6-8 p.133 (Get 200)
2.Do ex.12-14, p.127 (Get 200)
3.You are the main chief of the café in the place you live in. Make up a menu for a week for foreigners coming to you on holidays.

3. Form 11.  Maths class.


1.      Learn the vocabulary from ex. 1-2, p.145 (М.АНерсисянА.ОПироженко)
2.      Do ex.3-5 p.146-147
3.      Prepare a presentation about nature reserves in Ukraine.


1. Learn the vocabulary on p.64 (М.А. Нерсисян, А.О. Пироженко)
2. Do ex. 1-4, p. 65-66 (М.А. Нерсисян, А.О. Пироженко)
3. Read Grammar bank on p.67, do ex.8, p.68 (in writing)

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